We Help You Scale and Grow Your Financial Practice

It's Time To Transform Your Financial Practice

Welcome to IUL Insiders. The truly independent training and marketing platform you’ve been looking for.

From sales and marketing strategy and tools to case design and IUL illustration strategy, you’ve found your solution.

Time Tested Marketing Strategies

Learn some of the best strategies that have worked with several decades of marketing experience.

140+ Years of IUL Sales Experience

With a combined team our sales experience in the industry is top notch.

Case Design Strategic Training

You'll do more for your clients by structuring their policies correctly, let us show you how.

Non-Company/Non-IMO Specific Training

You stay licensed and appointed where you are, no need to move contracts or licensing. We are not an agency.

Truly "Insider" IUL Insight and Training

Stay on the cutting edge of what's happening in the world of indexed universal life insurance.

Powerful Business Strategy and Tools

Learn the predictable models, systems, and methods used by some of the world elite entrepreneurs.

Amplify K.A.S.H

We firmly believe that real CASH made without the right K.A.S.H. is unpredictable and short-lived. That is why we help you Amplify your Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills, and Habits for Authentic Entrepreneurial success.

Compound Your Career

As a financial professional, you regularly teach compound interest. Our goal is to provide tools and training so you can experience the power of ongoing, exponential and "compounding" growth in your career.

Become a Possibility Thinker

Your success comes by clearly seeing possibility inside where it is you want to go and how to get there. Our objective is to amplify your skills to help you overcome obstacles along the way.

Our Team

As trainers and mentors, we will constantly provide the latest and greatest in sales training, case design mentoring, marketing tools, and methods to help you grow your business.

Doug Andrew

The LASER Fund

Doug’s books and trainings have helped thousands save millions of dollars. Doug Andrew continues to educate the public with conservative yet powerful strategies in all Three Dimensions of Authentic Wealth. Doug is adamant that wealth is not just about the money.

Emron Andrew

The LASER Fund

Emron Andrew got his start double checking and verifying the math inside of his father’s first book, Missed Fortune. Then he quickly shifted roles and has designed thousands of IUL Policies over the last 20 years.

Bud Heaton

3 Dimensional Wealth & LASER Financial

Bud Heaton has worked with Doug & Emron for eight years. He has built and designed dozens of successful marketing campaigns that promote IUL as a key financial strategy.

Gain more clarity, focus, balance, and confidence in your practice...

To Get You Started: In this video made for clients, Doug shares “How Can I Tell If A Financial Advisor Is Proficient In Structuring An IUL?” Wherever you are in your journey, our goal is to help you take that next step forward.

Our Happy Clients!

Ready to Get Started?